

Hello!  I am Marcus Walther, BCTMB, LMT.
My passion is encouraging and teaching others to feel and understand their empowerment in terms of health, healing and wellness.  I am a licensed massage therapist as well as an energy worker and craniosacral therapist.

From 1986-1990, while earning a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations at the College of William and Mary, I began to explore and study our relationship to the universe. Questions such as “What am I?” and “What am I doing here?” came to mind frequently. Eventually I discovered that reincarnation is reality; that we are energetic beings; and that death is not the end of our existence.   I was raised in the Lutheran faith, and I studied a variety of religions including those of the Native Americans and the hunter-gatherer tribes.

After college I began to live in different parts of the country. Out West, I learned about plants and herbalism. In addition, I began absorbing information about the energetic bodies and I studied the work of Barbara Brennan. I began exploring the idea of attending massage school.  During that period, though, I found an energy healing school to investigate instead. In 1999 I moved to Flagstaff, Arizona and enrolled in the School of Heart Awakening. I found it a fascinating experience.

I furthered my study of plants by exploring flower essences. I moved to Northern Virginia and immersed myself in the essences by working for a company called Perelandra. I learned in greater depth that which was seen in the native teachings: the Divine is in everything and that we must honor and work together with this Intelligence to produce results that are balanced and without unintended side effects.

After three years at Perelandra, I decided to go to massage school. I selected the Cayce/Reilly School of Massage in Virginia Beach, Virginia in 2005. I had been providing services at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A. R. E.) Health Center & Spa since graduation.  I also had a private office, and provided therapy in homes and offices. My range of experience in bodywork and energy work is extensive. My desire to learn more about the body-mind led me to the Biodynamic model of craniosacral therapy in 2007. I participated and graduated from a two year craniosacral program at the Lyons Institute.

I am continually amazed at what I learn from the body intelligence. I am an explorer of the inner worlds. It is very exciting! My overall goal is to educate and empower individuals about their own personal health and well-being. I do this through the many practices listed above. Thank You for Your interest. Over the years, I continue to add to my knowledge including training in EFT (emotional freedom technique), Reiki I and II, the CARE program on essential oils, and in CFT – Craniosacral Fascial Therapy,  The Gillespie Approach.

After 16 years in Virginia Beach, which includes meeting a fabulous woman and wife, Carla and I moved up to NoVA and reestablished our businesses there.  Since Fall of 2021, I offer services in Reston, VA. I look forward to seeing you and I welcome You to expand Your awareness.