

I am grateful for these reviews and testimonials of Marcus Walther and Pathways To Health. Thank you.


I have experienced treatments from Marcus intermittently over the last 15 years and was recently very pleased to be able to see him twice in his lovely new office in Reston, VA during a short visit to the area.  He continues to treat patients with kindness, care and compassion and I found that his treatments made a marked difference in my chronic hip pain.  I highly recommend you see what he can do for you!

A.R.M.  Fredericksburg, VA



For almost 7 years I have been a client of Marcus Walther’s just about every other week. I am sad to see him relocate to Northern Virginia.

Initially his energy work brought my body back into a better state of balance. Then, one week his cranial therapy caused a tremendous sensation in my sacral area, lower back, and hips. It felt like all of the bones were moving out from a center point relieving all the tension. It was wonderful… like space was being created in all of my joints… helping me to relax and providing relief.

Constant, bi-weekly sessions with Marcus brought my body to the realization that every two weeks I take my body out into the real world and expose it to all types of contortions and dilemmas. Then Marcus works on me and brings me back into a better state of balance.

Sam D.  Norfolk, VA


For two years, while visiting Virginia Beach on vacation, I have received a therapeutic massage by Marcus at the A.R.E. Spa.  I have benefitted greatly from Marcus’ intuitive gifts while he provides massage therapy.  His is a unique approach that is interdisciplinary, drawing from the various modalities he has studied, and his own gifts. Both years when I came in for a massage,  I was struggling with relationship and identity issues, and he identified that right away, counseling me to be grounded in my own strength and personal power, to trust myself and to keep my heart soft.  These were intuitive transmissions during the massage therapy.  I felt like it was a message of hope and guidance from a Divine source, and I am grateful!

Amy K.


Marcus Walther is amazing. I started to see him several years ago for craniosacral therapy. I had debilitating migraines and numerous issues due to side effects with medications. I had tried nerve blocks and all kinds of different medications for my migraines. My doctors were giving me one medication for migraines that were causing bad side effects and then having to give me other medications for the side effects. I was unable to participate in life or be a good mother and wife to my family.

Once I contacted Marcus and started to see him for craniosacral therapy I noticed positive changes within weeks. Each week my migraines and other medical issues got better. I noticed more improvement every time I went to see Marcus. Now, the strongest oral medication I take for my migraine is Tylenol. Due to that fact, I no longer have side effects to the medications. I have fewer migraines now than I have in years. I can truly say that I feel healthier and stronger than I have in years. I have been able to participate in my life and my family’s life after seeing Marcus for about six months.

Marcus is a very intuitive person. He is a true light worker and cares about helping people. He is an amazing man that has great energy. I am so thankful to have sought him out. He has helped me in so many ways. I have recommended him to many of my friends. I would recommend him and his services to everyone who would like to stop taking pain medications and get healthier. It is such a life changing experience to not be in constant debilitating pain every day. I am thankful for Marcus and to have him in my life. I consider him a true healer.

Michelle S. Virginia Beach, VA

I met Marcus 9 years ago during a facial appointment at the A.R.E. I was interested in scheduling another service for the following day which could not be performed, but Marcus intuitively knew what I needed “Cranial Sacral Therapy”. I had never experienced Cranial Sacral. When I arrived, he made me feel safe and comfortable. I shared with him that I am a dancer and had always suffered with tired, aching legs. One Cranial Sacral session changed my life and for 5 years I could dance pain free while remembering the Angel I met in Virginia along with the gift and healing hands of Marcus…
Four years ago I moved several times. My leg pain came back more intense, very deep and very debilitating and I was no longer dancing. Over the years I visited several doctors with no diagnoses, no amelioration from the pain, but kept remembering my session with Marcus. I recently moved to North Carolina where I am 4 hours away from the A.R.E. Due to all my moves I lost his card and forgot his name but I could describe him and his essence. I kept my faith knowing I would find him again.
This August, 2018, I called to schedule an appointment at the A.R.E. and gave a description of Marcus from what I could remember 9 years ago. God answered my prayers! I was so happy to find Marcus again. My trip was 4 days and I was able to schedule 2 sessions and experienced immediate relief. I went back 2 weeks later for a weekend and had another session. Today I am pain free and I have started to dance again in baby steps.
Marcus works with unconditional love and compassion. He embodies the true meaning of a healer working on so many different levels. I am so grateful to have found Marcus again. I not only feel better physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am more centered and grounded. Thank You for sharing your gift with me. Thank You for your words of wisdom during my sessions. Thank You for helping me to release old traumas that no longer serve me. Being pain free, I am very hopeful again. I look forward to seeing you on my next visit.
‘Let thy light so shine that others seeing thy good may take hope again… Edgar Cayce reading 254-101
God Bless you and your amazing gift!!!
Love, Joy and Gratitude,

A.S. Southport, NC

Just a short note to express my deepest gratitude for your gifted hands! After the massage session with you in late June I was able to walk without pain for over 2 weeks! What a wonderful experience for me! I look forward to see you again.

J.S. Ellicott City, MD

You have brought such a nurturing and safe energy into my field and I am learning so much from your essence. Thank you, I love you. It’s an honor to be here with you.

C.L. Hampton, VA

Marcus’s cranial sacral / intuitive work goes so deep – soul level deep – and has uprooted energetic cords that were no longer serving my body.  In instant rapport with my body, he is able to assist it in re-patterning.  A visit with Marcus at the A.R.E. Health Center is a must whenever I am blessed to make it to the A.R.E. Congress.

C.S. Delray Beach, FL

From the first time I met Marcus, I felt so safe and comfortable in his presence. Each one of my sessions have been a little different but each one has been an amazing and enlightening experience. I always leave with a sense of lightness and the inner knowledge that something quite special has just taken place. Marcus works with honesty, unconditional love and great integrity. He has an amazing gift that has been fine tuned to an extremely high standard. I would recommend his service to anyone. He is an exceptional healer.

S.C. Auckland, New Zealand

When I once again started having neuro-muscular symptoms, I was reluctant to go to a neurologist; I didn’t want my life to become a series of medical tests and medications. Two friends recommended Marcus to me. One of them said he had a special gift for cranial sacral therapy.

During the six weeks he treated me, my nervous system settled; my body’s internal thermostat, which had been out of whack for several years, returned to normal; the firing of my pre-frontal cortex improved, and the pain and fluid in my left ear abated. In addition, my scrawled handwriting became legible, and I started to sleep longer and more deeply.

Whether more than symptoms have been treated, I don’t know, but I’ve preferred this peaceful, natural route to a cocktail of medications that would probably cause unwanted side effects.

T.P. Virginia Beach, VA

Marcus has the skill and the gift to invite the deep essence of the person on his table to relax deeply and unwind sometimes ancient patterns. You’ll never be the same.

D.C. Virginia Beach, VA

Marcus Walther is someone who knows how healing energies work, whether the person or animal in need is present or at a distance. I was having pain in my hips and unsure whether I could walk, let alone take an out of town trip I needed to make. Marcus worked on me at a distance and the whole trip was without pain, and it never came back.
My old cat had been having a lot of pain and bother with an ear infection. The veterinarian said that there was a very expensive operation they could do, but they couldn’t be sure that would take care of it, and that she would come out of it completely deaf. Marcus worked on her and it wasn’t long before she died quietly and peacefully in her sleep. What happened was what God wanted. That’s what happens when the healer is in tune with the divine.

J.B. Virginia Beach, VA

Thanks for the great craniosacral work. Please enjoy my enclosed music CD for relaxation.

L.H. Milton, DE

I was so excited to tell you that the pain is gone !!! That pain that was in the lower half of my body, the bladder and probably everything,  the pain is gone  !! I have more energy.   I actually feel like cleaning  the house ! Can’t wait for the 19th at 3.   I deeply appreciate the work we are doing and your loving genius. 

N.J. Virginia Beach, VA

After I fell and broke, no, smashed my arm 5 weeks ago, I have gone to many insurance provided physical therapy appointments. This week I found myself in pain and unable to sleep. I decided to get help from Marcus. After only 20 minutes, I felt profound relaxation and increased comfort. The pain in my elbow decreased and I was able to sleep through the night.

K.M. Virginia Beach, VA

Thank you again, Marcus, for the helpful, clearing, and restorative session on Sunday. You are so attuned and your words resonated a pattern that needs to be re-aligned.  Your sensitivity and focus is remarkable, and I am most grateful for your help in returning me to myself.
Bless you and your work.

J.H. Hawley, PA

Thank you for all your help. When I awoke the morning after my last appointment, my shoulders had what I can only term ‘a new awareness’. As I was lying in bed my shoulders went ‘back’ and I took out my pillow because my head also wanted to go ‘back’. When I’m vertical my body still falls into its old ‘practiced’ position, but now I have the awareness. I can change it.

D.A. Essex, MA